batch file - windows script to change date and run command -

i have command using audit report on daily basis. want schedule in windows scheduler using command or script. can .bat or .cmd scripting. command :

<install_path>\nbauditreport.exe -sdate "mm/dd/yy 00:00:00" -edate "mm/dd/yy 23:59:59" 

so in command same leaving mm, dd , yy. how can replace day, month , year command?

the date 1 day previous date of current. example, command scheduled run on 07 july 2017 @ 09:00 am, in case command be:

<install_path>\nbauditreport.exe -sdate "07/06/17 00:00:00" -edate "07/06/17 23:59:59" 

how can create script same?

is mask "mm/dd/yy" meant have 2 digits year?
change in following batch 2 yy leave casing is.

@echo off /f %%y in (   'powershell -nop -c "(get-date).adddays(-1).tostring(\"mm\/dd\/yy\")"' ) set yesterday=%%y "x:\path\to\nbauditreport.exe" -sdate "%yesterday% 00:00:00" -edate "%yesterday% 23:59:59" 

schedule batch.


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