autohotkey how to remap mouse left click hold action -

i change input of mouse when click left button , hold it. usual left click action must remain. let left click behave is, if click , hold, let perform holding keyboard button p (or other keyboard button).

currently got like:

~lbutton::  sleep 100 while (getkeystate("lbutton","p")) {         send, {m down}  } send, {m up}  return 

i trying figure out how remove click action when want spam letter m.

the following should want:

threshold := 100 lbutton::     coordmode, mouse, screen ; needed prevent issues when clicking changes focus     mousegetpos, mxclick, myclick ; save mouse position before sleep      sleep % threshold      ; mouse up, normal click     if (!getkeystate("lbutton", "p")) {         mousegetpos, mxcurr, mycurr ; save mouse position before click         click %mxclick%, %myclick%         mousemove, %mxcurr%, %mycurr% ; restore mouse position         return     }      while (getkeystate("lbutton", "p")) {         send {m down}         sleep 30     }     send {m up} return 

you can play threshold, try different values , see how works. mousegetpos , mousemove might not needed, depends on want happen.

currently doubleclick little problematic, need doubleclick slower threshold fast enough register doubleclick. can solved, tell me if it's need.


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