How to export dictionary as CSV using Python? -

i having problems exporting items in dictionary csv. can export 'name' not 'images' (the image url).

this example of part of dictionary:

new = [{ "name" : "peter", "picture" : ""}, {"name" : "jim" , "picture" : ""}] 

edit (i made mistake naming pointed out. seems work after updating it).

and code have written (which works 'name' not 'picture'):

import csv  test = []  document in new:     event_obj = {}      # name     event_obj['name'] = document['name']      # images     event_obj['picture'] = document['picture']      test.append(event_obj)  # create csv file open('eventbrite_events.csv', 'w', newline='') csvfile:      fields = ['name', 'picture']      writer = csv.dictwriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fields)      writer.writeheader()      x in test:          writer.writerow(x) print(csvfile) 

your new list contains dictionaries key picture trying access 1 called images.

import csv  new = [     { "name" : "peter", "picture" : ""},     {"name" : "jim" , "picture" : ""}]  test = []  document in new:     event_obj = {}      # name     event_obj['name'] = document['name']      # images     event_obj['images'] = document['picture']      test.append(event_obj)  # create csv file open('eventbrite_events.csv', 'w', newline='') csvfile:     fields = ['name', 'images']     writer = csv.dictwriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fields)     writer.writeheader()     writer.writerows(test) 

you make use of writerows() write rows in 1 go.

this give csv file follows:

name,images peter, jim, 

you avoid building test follows alternative way rename entry:

import csv  new = [     {"name" : "peter", "picture" : ""},     {"name" : "jim" , "picture" : ""}]  # create csv file open('eventbrite_events.csv', 'w', newline='') csvfile:     fields = ['name', 'images']      writer = csv.dictwriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fields)     writer.writeheader()      row in new:         row['images'] = row.pop('picture')         writer.writerow(row) 


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