php - How to display recent(latest post) as the first on a list of a blog -

hello need on php code below. trying display recent(latest post) first on list. don't know how use order timestamp please help. here code below:

<!doctype html>      <?php    include_once('includes/connection.php');    include_once('includes/article.php');     $article = new article;    $articles = $article->fetch_all();    ?>     <html>    <head>     <title>blogger</title>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/style.css">     </head>     <body>     <div class="container">         <a href="index.php" id="logo">b</a>          <ol>             <?php foreach ($articles $article){?>             <li><a href="article.php?id=<?php echo               $article['article_id'];>">             <?php echo $article['article_title'];?>             </a>              - <small>             popsted <?php echo date('l js', $article['article_timestamp']);>             </small>             </li>             <?php }?>         </ol>          <small><a href="admin">admin</a></small>     </div>     </body>    </html> 

below article class code, please me on how place/insert order timestamp query. thank you!

<?php  class article{     public function fetch_all(){     global $pdo;      $query = $pdo->prepare("select * articles");     $query->execute();      return $query->fetchall();     }          public function fetch_data($article_id){         global $pdo;          $query = $pdo->prepare("select * articles article_id = ?");         $query->bindvalue(1, $article_id);         $query->execute();          return $query->fetch();     } }   ?> 

add order by sql-query:

$query = $pdo->prepare("select * articles order article_timestamp desc"); 

the above tells mysql order results article_timestamp column in descending order. if want oldest first, it's asc in ascending.

you can read more in manual sorting columns.


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