python - Weird Error in OpenCV -

i'm writing program in python using opencv detects edges (canny edge detector) footage webcam records. i'm using 2 track-bars in order control threshold values (in order understand how these values change output of edge detector).

the code wrote following:

import cv2 import numpy np   def nothing(x):     pass  img = np.zeros((300,512,3), np.uint8) cv2.namedwindow('cannyedge') cv2.createtrackbar("minval", "cannyedge", 0,100, nothing) cv2.createtrackbar("maxval", "cannyedge", 100,200,nothing)  cap = cv2.videocapture(0) while(true):      minval = cv2.gettrackbarpos("minval", "cannyedge")     maxval = cv2.gettrackbarpos("maxval", "cannyedge")      #capture frame frame     ret, frame =     cv2.imshow('frame', frame)     edge = cv2.canny(frame,minval,maxval)      #display resulting frame     cv2.imshow('frame', edge)      if cv2.waitkey(1) & 0xff == ord('q'):         break  #when done, release capture cap.release cv2.destroyallwindows() 

this program educational purposes i'm learning use opencv.

every time run program above code seems working fine following error:

glib-gobject-critical **: g_object_unref: assertion 'g_is_object (object)' failed

i've searched reason error occurs haven't found helpful. instinct tells me implementation trackbars wrong , it's causing error.

the tutorials used following:

does know why error occurs? appreciated!

i running ubuntu 14.04, opencv 3.2.0 , python 2.7.6

try making track bars , displaying image in same window , see if error persists. bet shouldn't. change: cv2.imshow('cannyedge', edge)


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