php - How can I validate json data in laravel? -

my code validate data :

public function register(request $request) {     //echo '<pre>';print_r($request->all());echo '</pre>';die();     $this->validate($request, [         'email'=>'required',         'password'=>'required',         ''=>'required|numeric'         'data_cache.datacache.quantity'=>'required|numeric'     ]); } 

the result of echo '<pre>';print_r($request->all());echo '</pre>';die(); :

array (     [data_cache] => {"datacache":{"id":112,"quantity":1,"information":"stamford bridge","request_date":"15-08-2017 02:30:00"},"expired":"2017-08-14t16:30:26.272z"}     [email] =>     [password] => 87654321 ) 

the data_cache json data

on view blade, add display message validation :

@if ($errors->has('data_cache'))     <span class="help-block">         <strong>{{ $errors->first('data_cache') }}</strong>     </span> @endif 

if code executed, there no display message validation

seems validation json data still wrong

how can correctly?

you try using...

$datacache = json_decode($request->data_cache);  $request->merge(['id' => $, 'quantity' => $datacache.datacache.quantity]); 

then continue $validate method were.

there field checks whether data field under validation valid json string or not, that's not need.


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