plot - Increase the label size for data, seasonal, trend and remainder in a seasonal decomposition in R -

i wish increase size of font of words "data" "seasonal" "trend" , remainder in stl function in r.

i have modified bunch of parameters using argument plot function changing cex , cex.sub , cex.labs has no impact on these 4 labels.

is there alternative way modify them?

below code seasonal decomposition plot , here link dput of lx0088u09a3.stl variable reproducible example:

lx0088u09a3ts <- ts(as.numeric(lx0088_raw$lx0088u09a3), frequency = 96) lx0088u09a3.stl <- stl(lx0088u09a3ts, s.window = "periodic", robust = true) plot(lx0088u09a3.stl,       main = "seasonal decompostion lx0088u09a3",      col.range = "red", = list(cex.axis = 2,                      cex.lab = 2,                       cex.main = 2,                       mar = c(0, 6, 0, 6),                       oma = c(6, 0, 4, 0),                       tck = -0.02,                      lwd=2,                       mfrow = c(4,1))) 


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