Beginner C arrays and incrementation -

excuse amateurism i'm struggling understand basic incrementing mechanisms. comments correct?

#include <stdio.h>  main() { int a[5]={1,2,3,4,5}; int i,j,m; = ++a[1]; // value of a[1] 3. i=3 j = ++a[1]; /* because of previous line a[1]=3  , a[1]=4? not in line defining i? */ m = a[i++];  /* retained value of 3 though value of a[1] has changed i++ incremented in printf()? */ printf("%d, %d, %d", i,j,m);     } 

i answering own question have fooled myself quite few times learning c far.

i = ++a[1] increment value of a[1] 3 , result of ++a[1] 3 assigned i.

j = ++a[1]; increment value of a[1] 4 , result of ++a[1] 4 assigned j.

m = a[i++];, assign value of a[3] (as i 3 b now) m 4 , i incremented 1. i becomes 4.


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