json - Installing Bootstrap 4 Beta with Bower -

i'm trying install latest version of bootstrap 4 beta using bower.

using command:

bower install bootstrap#v4.0.0-beta 

results in:

no matches found: bootstrap#v4.0.0-beta 

is there i'm doing wrong?

my bower.json looks follows:

{ "name": "bootstrap-starter", "homepage": "https://github.com/marcuschristiansen/bootstrap-starter", "authors": [ "marcus christiansen <christiansen.marcus@gmail.com>" ], "description": "all dependencies bootstrap starter theme", "main": "", "license": "mit", "ignore": [   "**/.*",   "node_modules",   "bower_components",   "test",   "tests" ], "dependencies": {   "jquery": "~2.2.3",   "normalize-scss": "git@github.com:johnalbin/normalizescss.git#^4.1.0",   "bootstrap": "4.0",   "font-awesome": "git@github.com:fortawesome/font-awesome.git",   "bourbon": "^4.2.7",   "neat": "^1.8.0"   } } 

i installed bootstrap 4 beta same command: bower install bootstrap#v4.0.0-beta npm version 5.3.0 , bower 1.8.0.

have tried updating npm , bower , running same install command?


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