angular - Passing arbitrary data to a child directive -

i using wijmo's wjflexgriddetail directive, , want control rows display detail grid based on whether "detaildata" array in component contains matching data. rowhasdetail property takes function uses outer grid's row input , returns boolean. want this:

<ng-template wjflexgriddetail let-item="item" [rowhasdetail]="hasdetail">  hasdetail (row): boolean {     return this.detaildata.filter(item => === > 0 } // detaildata undefined when try 

but doesn't work because this in scope of function refers wjflexgriddetail object, doesn't contain data i'm trying check against. tried binding data attribute:

<ng-template wjflexgriddetail let-item="item" [rowhasdetail]="hasdetail" []="detaildata"> 

but got error:

uncaught (in promise): error: template parse errors: property binding data-detail not used directive on embedded template. make sure property name spelled correctly , directives listed in "@ngmodule.declarations".

is there way data scope of function? or wjflexgriddetail usage, there way accomplish goal (i want display + expansion button rows have detail data)?

i found solution, feels bad angular there's still better answer out there.

the bind function can add data scope of function. instead of passing in function directly, call function returns function , bind data it.

<ng-template wjflexgriddetail let-item="item" [rowhasdetail]="hasdetail()"><!-- note () -->  hasdetail (): (row) => boolean {     return function (row): boolean {         return && this.filter(item => === > 0     }.bind(this.detaildata) } 

changing scope of function detaildata allows comparison made, doesn't feel "correct" way of doing things.


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