Execute nginx exe in folder with -s reload args Consul template Windows -

i using consul template v0.19.0 for windows, rendering nginx loadbalancing config.it working expected.

now want consul template, execute nginx exe in folder args (-s reload) below:-

case 1:

template { source = "template/template.ctmpl" destination = "f:\\ide\\visual studio collection\\web servers\\nginx- 1.12.0\\nginx-1.12.0\\conf\\nginx.conf" command = "f:\\ide\\visual studio collection\\web servers\\nginx- 1.12.0\\nginx-1.12.0\\nginx -s reload" command_timeout = "60s" } 

but throws error like, "failed execute command "f:\ide\visual studio collection\web servers\nginx-1.12.0\nginx-1.12.0\nginx.exe" "template/template.ctmpl" => "f:\ide\visual studio collection\web servers\nginx-1.12.0\nginx-1.12.0\conf\nginx.conf": child: exec: "f:idevisual": file not exist".

case 2:- have achieved making nginx service (using nssm) , gave command like,

command = "powershell restart-service nginx"  

instead of giving full path followed "-s reload".

but this, have make nginx service using apps nssm.

may know, there way tell command attribute in consul template config to, "execute nginx exe in folder in case 1" ?


try this

template { source = "template/template.ctmpl" destination = "f:\\ide\\visual studio collection\\web servers\\nginx- 1.12.0\\nginx-1.12.0\\conf\\nginx.conf" command = "\"f:\\ide\\visual studio collection\\web servers\\nginx- 1.12.0\\nginx-1.12.0\\nginx\" -s reload" command_timeout = "60s" } 

if doesn't work try below options command

command = "\"f:/ide/visual studio collection/web servers/nginx- 1.12.0/nginx-1.12.0/nginx\" -s reload" 


command = "\"f:\\\\ide\\\\visual studio collection\\\\web servers\\\\nginx- 1.12.0\\\\nginx-1.12.0\\\\nginx\" -s reload" 


so based on discussion, seems nginx config has relative folder based config. when nginx started folder, needs reloaded same folder. need changed folder , execute reload command. 2 formats should try are

command="cd '<nginx folder path>' && nginx -s reload" 


command="cmd /k 'cd \'<nginx folder path>\' && nginx -s reload'" 


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