tomcat7 - Tomcat instances on newly added node can't start with SSL -

exception: "java.lang.exception: connector attribute sslcertificatefile must defined when using ssl apr"

i have found error because of missing apr library has manually installed:

"the apr native library may install during tomcat installation."

so library missing on newly installed tomcat instances (czchols3883/czstlls346).

when commented out line in server.xml apr listener:

<listener classname="org.apache.catalina.core.aprlifecyclelistener" sslengine="on" /> 

tomcat started correctly! looks issue caused missing library.

please check out , install missing library on new nodes rh6.5 , tomcat 7.0.59?

due fact want use ssl need certificate , key file. shows message.

i point latest doc don't know tomcat version use.

you have options now, far see.

1.) don't use apr. 2.) provide sslcertificatefile config file.


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