azure active directory - AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50012: Invalid client secret is provided -

when trying create authentication header using below code. getting error saying "aadsts70002: error validating credentials. aadsts50012: invalid client secret provided." now, sure, secret used in code not matching 1 used in aad app registration. can me on how client secret, app registrations or how add new application identifier in o365 account directory.

private string getauthenticationheader(authenticationinformation authenticationinformation){     try{         return retryhelper.invokewithretries(() =>         {             var clientcredential = new clientcredential(authenticationinformation.clientid, authenticationinformation.appsecret);             var ac = new authenticationcontext(authenticationinformation.authority);             authenticationresult ar = ac.acquiretoken(authenticationinformation.resource, clientcredential);             return ar.createauthorizationheader();         });     }     catch (exception ex){         return ex.message;     } } 

to add secret key web application's credentials, click "keys" section settings blade of azure ad app in azure portal :

  • add description key , select either 1 or 2 or year duration(or never expires).
  • the right-most column contain key value, after save configuration changes. sure come section , copy after hit save, have use in client application during authentication @ run-time.

please click here more details how register , update application azure active directory tenant .


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