php - How to insert form input field in table? -

i have displayed student's name in table format through ajax. want associate form input field each student can insert marks , store in database? how can achieve this? below code..

<script type="text/javascript">     function select_std() {         var ali = $('#class_std').val();         $('#std_name').html('');         $.ajax({             url: "<?php echo base_url().'admin/test/'?>" + ali,             type: "get",             success: function(res) {                 $('#mytable tbody').append(res);             }         });     } </script> 

and controller :

public function test($id=''){   $table='students';   $columns=array('*');   $where=array('c_id'=>$id);   $data['rcd']= $this->crud->get_records($table, $columns, $where)->result();    foreach ($data['rcd'] $value) {     $output = "<tr><td>".$value->name."</td><td>90</td><td>very good<td></tr>";     echo $output;   } } 

this table format in have showed student's names in first <td> through ajax database. , want make second <td> input field store marks in database.

<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" id="mytable" class="table table-boardered table-responsive" id="example2">     <thead>         <th width="20px;">name</th>         <th>marks obtained(100)</th>         <th>comments</th>     </thead>     <tbody id="std_name">     </tbody> </table> 

you should put form on table/your loop every student has designated input field if want make action specific student id of specific student inserts db. (get(id) = idfromdb).

<?php foreach ($data['rcd'] $value) { ?> <tr><td><?php $value->name ?></td><td>90</td><td>very good<td></tr>  <tr><td>  <input field here>  <input button value=$value[id]>   </td></tr> <?php } ?> 

then in next page or same page you:

<?php if(isset($_post['button name'])){     $id = $_post[button name]; insert data db $id = idfromdb }?> 

ahaha sorry dude forgot php. :(


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