data structures - Is there an equivalent to the Resilient Distributed Dataset in native Clojure? -

apache spark has concept of resilient distributed dataset.

an rdd is:

it immutable distributed collection of objects. each dataset in rdd divided logical partitions, may computed on different nodes of cluster.

formally, rdd read-only, partitioned collection of records. rdds can created through deterministic operations on either data on stable storage or other rdds. rdd fault-tolerant collection of elements can operated on in parallel.

now clojure has immutable data structures, , running higher order functions in parallel.

i'm aware of flambo , sparkling. i'm not looking interface, equivalent data structure.

my question is: is there equivalent resilient distributed dataset in native clojure?

well, normal clojure map , vector can easilly processed in sub partitions parallely on multiple cores using core.reducers/fold.

maps , vectors being immutable default, setup seems equivalent rdd are.

the difference being, fold compute on multi-cores, not multiple machines. parallel, not distributed.

onyx , storm distributed computing frameworks implemented in clojure , can spark does. these close gets rdd on spark.


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