javascript - Chrome Extension Script/ Function not defined (Bootstrap Native?) -

seems can't access .popover method inside script. unless screwed up, should have access method bootstrap native (jquery-free bootstrap) file included. ?

all script add links , ideally popover on element.

here code:


{   "name": "foo",   "description": "work in progress",   "manifest_version": 2,   "version": "0.8",   "icons": {      "16": "icon16.png",     "48": "icon48.png",     "128": "icon128.png"    },   "permissions": [     "activetab",     "http://*/",     "https://*/"   ],   "background": {     "scripts": ["background.js"],     "persistent": false   },   "browser_action": {     "default_title": "click me!"   } } 

background: (runs on icon click)

chrome.browseraction.onclicked.addlistener(function(tab) {     chrome.tabs.executescript(, {file: "bootstrap-native.js" }, function() {         chrome.tabs.executescript(, {file: "content_script.js"}); });  }); 


// handle page's frame (to allow dom access) var page = top.frames["targetcontent"].document;  // reference every professor listed , modify registration page array.from(page.queryselectorall("[id^='mtg_instr$']") ).foreach( el => {     if (el.textcontent == "staff") {         return;     }      // every professor found, search rmp page     searchprofessor(el)  });    /**  * search professor on rmp, pass along pagecheck  *   * @param {reference prof} professorel   */ function searchprofessor(professorel) {     var xhr = new xmlhttprequest();      xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {         if (this.readystate == 4 && this.status == 200) {             pagecheck(this.response,professorel);          }     }      // search rmp using csuf + prof name'get', '' + professorel.textcontent +'&_action_search=search');     xhr.responsetype = 'document';     xhr.send(); }    /**  * verify prof's page exists , modify registration page  *   * @param {dom obj} page   * @param {reference prof} element   */ function pagecheck(page,element){      var profurl = page.getelementsbyclassname('listing professor')[0].childnodes[1].href      // if element exists, have hit (and prof's page!)     if (profurl) {         // link prof's rmp page         addanchor(element, profurl);              // access prof's specific rmp page         var xhr1 = new xmlhttprequest();          // create box display prof info on hover         xhr1.onreadystatechange = function() {             if (this.readystate == 4 && this.status == 200) {                 addtooltip(this.response,element);             }         }'get', profurl);         xhr1.responsetype = 'document';         xhr1.send();      }  }  function addtooltip(profpage,profelement) {  var name = profelement.textcontent; var grade = profpage.getelementsbyclassname('grade')[0].textcontent;     var difficulty = profpage.getelementsbyclassname('grade')[2].textcontent; var ratings = profpage.getelementsbyclassname('table-toggle rating-count active')[0].textcontent; ratings = ratings.trim(); var content = "grade: " + grade;  profelement.firstchild.setattribute("data-toggle","popover"); profelement.firstchild.setattribute("data-trigger","hover"); profelement.firstchild.setattribute("title",name); profelement.firstchild.setattribute("data-content",content); profelement.popover(); 


/**  * assign hyperlink element   *   * @param {element} wrapper   * @param {string} url   */ function addanchor (wrapper, url) {      var = document.createelement('a');     a.href = url;     a.textcontent = wrapper.textcontent;      // opens in new window/tab     a.setattribute('target', '_blank');     wrapper.replacechild(a, wrapper.firstchild); } 

link bootstrap native:



content_script.js:75 uncaught typeerror: profelement.popover not function     @ addtooltip (content_script.js:75)     @ xmlhttprequest.xhr1.onreadystatechange (content_script.js:61) 

bootstrap-native 68kb file bootstrap native/dist/ folder download. think issue, because when stick variable in file accessable inside content script, not methods.

i'm brand freaking new of this, maybe file have bootstrap native isn't correct one. or i'm not calling method correctly, shouldn't give me error.

by default executescript injects only in main page, not in iframes.

specify allframes: true inject bootstrap-native in iframe too:

chrome.tabs.executescript(, {allframes: true, file: "bootstrap-native.js"}, ...... 


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