Ember.js: use body-parser library in mocking backend with mirage -

i'm developing ember.js application authenticates against oauth2 endpoint.

in order mock endpoint, use ember-cli-mirage needs parse http post having content-type of x-www-form-urlencoded.

i decided use body-parser npm package in order parse body of request.

currently have code in config.js:

  var urlencodedparser = bodyparser.urlencoded({ extended: false });    this.post('/login', (schema, request) => {   }); 

i know request.requestbody contains data i'd parse, can't find correct way make use of 'urlencodedparser` in order parse data.

help appreciated.

const requestpayload = json.parse(request.requestbody); 

headers can found in request.requestheaders. don't need 3rd-party library this.


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