Index out of range appears sometimes and disappears when i run again python -

import numpy  import matplotlib.pyplot plt import serial  v=[] i=[] p=[] count=0 arduinodata=serial.serial('/dev/ttyacm0',9600) # importing serial data  a=input('enter no of observation required = ') # user choice required no of observations  while count<a:     count=count+1     while(arduinodata.inwaiting()==0):         pass     arduinostring=arduinodata.readline()     data=arduinostring.split(",")     voltage = float(data[0])     current = float(data[1])     power   = float(data[2])     v.append(voltage)     i.append(current)     p.append(power)     print v,",",i,",",p #plt.plot(v)`enter code here` #plt.ylim([150]) 

i error off , on code works fine , index out of range i'm confused why have started learning python programming

have checked string make sure has 3 comma separated elements? if doesn't may need treat malformed , throw away.


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