c# - WCF endpoint with an invalid URL -

i have inherited couple of large legacy c# code bases make extensive use of soap/wcf talk each other , third party software. new wcf. i've run across situation can't quite explain. url pattern being used contracts in 1 of service classes invalid (the top level domain specifies not exist).

[operationcontract(name = "testmethod", action = "http://hard.coded.url.that.is.definitely.invalid/testmethod")] [webmethod(messagename = "testmethod")] [system.servicemodel.xmlserializerformatattribute(supportfaults = true)] string testmethod(string x); 

is possible work, or explanation has never been used?

i don't know sure service has been used anything. commit messages on revisions of file (and other files) useless. in 1 of modules talks third party software don't have ability deploy in test environment. there lot of other wcf endpoints in project use valid url patterns.

maybe doing weird dns configuration(?) service run on local network.


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