python - How to disable HTTP response debug? -

my python code printing following line logs @ conclusion of every rest api call (high-level info on response sending back): - - [15/aug/2017:12:03:15 +0000] "post /some_endpoint  http/1.1" 202 72 "-" "python-requests/2.2.1 cpython/3.4.3 linux/3.13.0-83-generic" 

through other searches i've seen following suggestions on how rid of it:

1) logging.getlogger('werkzeug').setlevel(logging.error)

2) logging.getlogger('werkzeug').disabled = true

3) same above, requests instead of werkzeug

these have no effect. solution offered use different stream logging that's not going option needs.

this getting logged through separate mechanism rest of logs since format different, can't seem pinpoint culprit.

in general, can find logging instance in library , adjust logging level

you can access logging utility via werkzeug._internal

from werkzeug._internal import _logger 

then adjust root logger logging.critical (which 50)


this means werkzeug print critical (or higher) output

you can adjust _logger level according got needs

direct example

this applies example searching import logging command in werkzeug github page. found in werkzeug._internal can do

in [2]: werkzeug.wrappers import request, response    ...:    ...: @request.application    ...: def application(request):    ...:     return response('hello world!')    ...:  in [3]: werkzeug.serving import run_simple  in [4]: run_simple('localhost', 4000, application)  * running on http://localhost:4000/ (press ctrl+c quit)  in [5]: werkzeug import _internal  in [6]: _internal._log('info', 'setting logger level critical!')  # see below why required out[6]: 'setting logger level critical!'  in [7]: _internal._logger.setlevel(50)  in [7]: run_simple('localhost', 4000, application) 

in case _logger none occurs because no werkzeug logging instance has been called. see line 75 in _internal more clarity

in [1]: werkzeug import _internal  in [2]: type(_internal._logger) out[2]: nonetype  in [3]: _internal._log('info', 'removing logger!') removing logger!  in [4]: type(_internal._logger) out[4]: logging.logger 


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