reactjs - "React.CreateElement: type is invalid" after creating typings for an existing js module -

i'm trying use react-images in typescript project. there no @types/react-images package, creating typings myself. have done before other packages no problem. process of creating declarations existing javascript modules described here.

when provide simple .d.ts file like,

declare module 'react-images' {    export default class lightbox extends react.component {    } } 

and import , use in project this,

import lightbox 'react-images'  ...  return (<lightbox images={ images } onclose={ ():any => null } { ...defaultprops } />) 

i following error in browser:

warning.js:35 warning: react.createelement: type invalid -- expected string (for built-in components) or class/function (for composite components) got: undefined. forgot export component file it's defined in. 

i'm wondering if may able shed light onto might doing wrong here.

typical solutions kind of problem include changing way 1 includes module include mymodule style include { mymodule }style. however, module writing typings declares class like,

class lightbox extends component { 

and exports like,

export default lightbox; 

(see relevant file)

so importing import lightbox from style, default export. notably, when try log imported object console.log undefined. leads me suspect there up.

currently .d.ts file react-images looks like,

declare module 'react-images' {   import * react 'react'    export interface ilightboximages {     src: string,     srcset?: any[],     caption?: string | element,     thumbnail?: string,   }    export interface ilightboxprops {     images: ilightboximages[],     onclose: () => void,      backdropclosesmodal?: boolean,     closebuttontitle?: string,     currentimage?: number,     customcontrols?: any[],     enablekeyboardinput?: boolean,     imagecountseparator?: string,     isopen?: boolean,     leftarrowtitle?: string,     onclickimage?: any,     onclicknext?: any,     onclickprev?: any,     preloadnextimage?: boolean,     rightarrowtitle?: string,     showclosebutton?: boolean,     showimagecount?: boolean,     showthumbnails?: boolean,     theme?: object,     thumbnailoffset?: number,     width?: number,   }    export default class lightbox extends react.component<ilightboxprops, any> {    } } 

as have tried build interfaces proptypes provided in package.


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