node.js - connectString in oracledb node module -

i using oracledb in node server connecting tns connection alias. code:

const oracledb = require('oracledb');      oracledb.getconnection(         {             user: "test",             password: "test",             connectstring: "admissions"         },         function (err, connection) {             if (err) {                 logger.error("error is: " + err.message);                 callback(null, err);                 return;             } else {                 logger.loud("connection successful!");             } }); } 

however, getting error:

tns:could not resolve connect identifier specified

i sure connectstring wrong. can please should value of connectstring if want connect tns connection alias called admissions ? please note not localhost/xe connection.

the issue outdated tnsnames.ora file. copied latest version of tnsnames.ora file /etc directory , connection successful. @malice


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