debugging - Debug stm32 in real time -

i know if knows how debug eclipse in real time, have firmware stm32 microcontroller , wanted able see variables changing on time without having use breakpoint or something, know how do?

what need stm-studio-stm32 great tool provided st real time data monitoring.

  • the data can displayed in bar charts, x-y plots , in tables.
  • the variables loaded .elf file.
  • the tool uses st-link , swd connect chip , acquire data.
  • you can change value of variables during run time, works input mcu well. looks this:

    enter image description here

basically when working stm have client application default. key features listed st:

key features

  • runs on pcs microsoft® windows xp, vista , windows 7 os
  • connects stm32 via st-link (jtag or swd protocols)
  • reads on-the-fly (non intrusive) variables ram while application running
  • parses dwarf debugging information in elf application executable file
  • two types of viewer:
    • variable viewer: real-time waveforms, oscilloscope-like graphs
    • touchpoint viewer: association of 2 variables, 1 on x axis, 1 on y axis
  • possibility log data file, , replay later (exhaustive record display, not real-time)


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