subscription - Google Android publisher API responds with "410 purchaseTokenNoLongerValid" error -

on getting subscription status ( api responds with

{   "error": {       "errors": [          {             "domain": "androidpublisher",             "reason": "purchasetokennolongervalid",             "message": "the purchase token no longer valid."          }       ],       "code": 410,       "message": "the purchase token no longer valid."    } } 

i couldn't find mention of "purchasetokennolongervalid" or "the purchase token no longer valid" in context of android publisher api, neither in docs nor in google search.

i can guess error means, better know exactly, , anyway, should subscription after error?

looks purchase token revoked when user changes password google account or deletes account. error returned on every request.

here list of reasons oauth2 tokens — , feel it's quite same situation.

  • the user has revoked access.
  • the token has not been used 6 months.
  • the user changed passwords , token contains gmail scopes.
  • the user account has exceeded number of token requests.


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