dataframe - R Data Table: How to combine a list of data frame into single Data table -

i have following list of data frames. want combine them , store result in data table

a <- data.frame(a=1:3) b <- data.frame(b=4:6) ab_list <- list(a,b) 

one of ways achieve

ab_df <- data.table("cbind", ab_list)) 

is there other way directly result, without wrapping explicitly

if have data frames in list, work. see example.

require(data.table)  ab_list <- lapply(seq(letters), function(i) {   df <- data.frame(a = (3*i-2):(3*i))   names(df) <- letters[i]   df }) 

to list of data frames need vector of data frame names using ls() , argument pattern or grep(). after can create list of data frames.

df_names <- letters df_list <- mget(df_names) 


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