cql - Cassandra selecting by reverse order of clustering order -

i wan't select rows order of asc , desc cassandra data orders fixed .

i use scylladb.

my imaginary scenario of problem :

i have table :

create table tbl(a text , b text , c text , primary key(a,b,c))

after inserting datas table :

enter image description here

now want select top 1 ( or x ) item of row ( - b - 3 ) , after select bottom 1 ( or x ) item of row ( - b - 3 ).

c order asc , it's fixed ! try select bottom 1 item :

select * tbl a='a' , b='b' , c > '3' limit 1 ;

but selecting top of ( a-b-3 ) problem

select * tbl a='a' , b='b' , c < '3' ???

is there solution selecting top of item in cassandra ?


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