java - Spark Streaming Graceful Shutdown -

i saw there option configure graceful shutdown in 2 places:

  1. while defining spark conf:

"spark.streaming.stopgracefullyonshutdown", "true".

  1. when stopping streaming context:

javastreamingcontext scc;


what differences between 2 options?


the first way


setting parameter true in spark configuration ensures proper graceful shutdown in new spark version (1.4 onwards) applications. should not use 1st explicit shutdown hook approach or call ssc.stop method in driver along parameter . can set parameter, , call methods ssc.start() , ssc.awaittermination() . no need call ssc.stop method. otherwise application might hung during shutdown.

the second way scc.stop(true,true)

the scc.stop() method’s 1st boolean argument stopping associated spark context while 2nd boolean argument graceful shutdown of streaming context

this has been mention here chandan prakash

hope helps!


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