Can a plain Ruby object instance return a primitive? -

how can define class instance without method call returns string representation of itself, without instance.to_s or similar being called?

is there method defines native return instance when invoked without method, can strip object handling , return primitive?

the same way string behaves:

>>'abc') >> s "abc" 

str doesn't return

#<string abc> 

or it, , it, console extracting value?

how can make class('abc') same thing'abc') string? sub-classing string option, i'd know alternatives.

if enter following in irb should see expected result:

class foo   def inspect     "foo"   end end #> "foo" 

but how displayed. i'm not sure want achieve.

creating string

s ='abc') 

is constructing 2 strings: 1 literal 'abc' , 1 call new, pointless unless want create duplicate.

perhaps if tell bit more want achieve can better answer.


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