perl - Pass through 302 respond and save the html for the redirect page -

i have write code html code security website. 302 respond not sure how save html webpage. below code.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w  use strict; use warnings; use lwp::useragent; use http::request; use http::request::common qw(post); use http::cookies;  $url=""; $ua = lwp::useragent->new(); $ua->ssl_opts( verify_hostnames => 0 );    $req =http::request::common::post("$url",    content_type=>'form-data',    content =>[      'username'=>'user',      'password'=>'password',    ] ); $req->header('cookie' =>q(tin=287000; lastmrh_session=439960f5; mrhsession=78c9c47291c1fcedae166121439960f5));  $resp=$ua->request($req);  if ($resp->is_success) {      $res2 = $ua->post($resp->base, []);     print $res2->decoded_content; } 

below 302 respond get

<!doctype html public "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0//en"> <html><head>     <title>302 found</title> </head><body>     <h1>found</h1> <p>the document has moved <a      href="">here</a>.</p>     <hr>     <address>apache/2.2.3 (centos) server @ www port 80</address> </body></html> 

i want html information website can 302 respond. think stuck in redirect loop not sure how pass trough it.


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