ios - Update Virtual-list after swipe-delete in framework7 to prevent empty virtual-list -

how prevent empty virtual-list after swipe-delete event? having trouble updating virtual-list reflect 1 less item.

i have swipe:event listener this:

$$(id + " ul li.swipeout").on('swipeout:delete', function (e) {     if($(this).attr('data-task-id') != undefined) {          axios.patch('completed/'+ $(this).attr('data-task-id') + ".json",                     {"completion_status": 100,                     "authenticity_token": $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')})        //mylist.deleteitem(0)      //mylist.clearcache()      //mylist.update()      } }) 

and have tried .deleteitem, clearcache, update of them results in empty virtual-list.

appreciate comments/advice on how virtual-list update height after swipe-delete event.

thank you.


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