MongoDB C# driver class has an other name than the collection -

i working mongodb class has name collection.

[dataobject] [bsondiscriminator("tes_superhero")] public class superhero {     [bsonid]     [bsonelement("_id")]     public guid id { get; set; }      [bsonelement("name")]     public string name { get; set; }      [bsonelement("powers")]     public ilist<heropowers> superpowers { get; set; } } 

then want collection

private imongocollection<superhero> _superheros = _mongoclient.getdatabase().getcollection<superhero>(nameof(superhero)); 

the problem can't seem working.

you'll need pass in database name in getdatabase method

_superheros = _mongoclient.getdatabase("test").getcollection<superhero>(nameof(superhero)); 

name not optional, see -


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