javascript - How to load and stop Ajax based vertical scroll function + gif image loader -

i have not been able achieve this. problem function works once , stops. missing loop here?

i have tried move else { } block everywhere, doesn't help. have tried put condition else if (data=='') didn't helped.

if move function

if($(window).scrolltop() + $(window).height() > $("#load_data").height() && action == 'inactive') { 

outside of if(data !=='') my scroll function , gif image doesn't stops after last raw been fetched database.

any appreciated. thanks!

<script> var limit = 20; var start = 0; var action = 'inactive'; var timeoutid;  function load_city_data(limit, start) {     $.ajax({         url:"ps_load_data.php",         method:"post",         data:{limit:limit, start:start},         cache:false,         success:function(data) {             $('#load_data').append(data);             if(data !== '') {                 $('#imgloader').html('<img class="animated-gif" src="img/ajax-loader.gif">');                 action = "inactive";                 $(window).scroll(function(){                 if($(window).scrolltop() + $(window).height() > $("#load_data").height() && action == 'inactive') {                     action = 'active';                     start = start + limit;                     timeoutid = settimeout(function(){                         load_city_data(limit, start);                     }, 1000);                 }             else {                 $('#load_data_message').html('<div class="reached">you have reached @ end of listings</div>');                 action = 'active';                  $(window).off('scroll');                 cleartimeout(timeoutid);                 $('img[src="img/ajax-loader.gif"]').remove();             }             });             }          }     }); } $(document).ready(function(){     if(action == 'inactive') {         action = 'active';         load_city_data(limit, start);     } }); </script> 


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