node.js - Increase node memory using npm package.json script -

if want increase memory limit in node, option passed be:

node --max-old-space-size=4096 yourfile.js

but in scenario using yarn, package.json looks this:

{   "name": "myapp",   "productname": "myapp",   "version": "1.0.0",   "main": "app/main.js",   ...   "scripts": {     "package-win": "npm run build && build --win --x64",     "package-mac": "npm run build && build --mac",     ...   },   ... 

i execute yarn package-win on windows machine invoke electron-builder electron app built react.js. npm err! code elifecycle due out of memory. in mac got fatal error: call_and_retry_last allocation failed - javascript heap out of memory error still got packages generated (how? don't know) when invoking yarn package-mac.

i search lot on how use --max-old-space-size=4096 option, haven't found works.

i tried "package-win": "node --max-old-space-size=4096 npm run build && build --win --x64", path have problems locating npm. if use npm, still which not recognized.

thanks helping.


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