reactjs - Add class names to React root component or change structure -

i trying use flexbox react component root div being inserted. can't add class names root div (omitted).

i think split out smaller components not sure how?

this how structure now:

enter image description here

this how structure:

enter image description here

current (trimmed down) app.js code:

const hit = ({hit}) =>   <div classname="col-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-12 d-flex align-items-stretch var-result">     <div classname="card">       <div classname="card-block">         <div classname="row flex-wrap">             <div classname="col-md-8"><h4><highlight attributename="name" hit={hit}/></h4></div>             <div classname="col-md-4 text-right">               <img src={hit.image} classname="img-fluid" alt=""/>             </div>         </div>         <p classname="d-inline-block db-name">database name</p>         <p classname="d-inline-block vendor-name">${hit.price}</p>         <p classname="card-text small"><highlight attributename="description" hit={hit}/></p>       </div>     </div>   </div>  const searchresultcontent = () =>   <section classname="row grey-bg mt-5 overflow-y">     <hits hitcomponent={hit} classname="d-flex flex-wrap"/>   </section>   class app extends component {   render() {     return (       <instantsearch         appid="latency"         apikey="3d9875e51fbd20c7754e65422f7ce5e1"         indexname="bestbuy">          <headernav />         <div classname="container-fluid">           <div classname="row">             <sidebar/>             <main/>             <searchresultcontent/>           </div>       </div>     </instantsearch>     );   } }  export default app; 

the classnames not added inserted root element.

<hits hitcomponent={hit} classname="d-flex flex-wrap"/> 


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