String consts/enums in typescript: const, namespace, or class? -

we have enum or set of consts in our project, , pr comment led discussion on idiomatic way of structuring is:

export class thingtypes {   public static readonly thing = "thing";   public static readonly otherthing = "otherthing"; } 


export namespace thingtypes {   public static readonly thing = "thing";   public static readonly otherthing = "otherthing"; } 


export const thingtypes {   thing: "thing",   otherthing: "otherthing" } 

we not on >=2.4 cannot use enum (as prior 2.4, strings), sake of argument: enum idiomatic way? la:

export enum thingtypes {   public static readonly thing = "thing";   public static readonly otherthing = "otherthing"; } 

the internet not yielding clear answer. idiomatic way , conventional way of making sets of consts in typescript?


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