php - How to see the development logs in termail of zend framework 2? -

iam familiar ror development. started working in php zend framework. way see development logs live in terminal(in linux) same ror as.


rails s

but in zend terminal command

php -s public public/index

produce logs in production them development monitor code more specifically.
in documentation has like:

if ($_server['application_env'] == 'development') { error_reporting(e_all); ini_set("display_errors", 1); }

but show error message in terminal as:

php notice: undefined index: application_env in /var/www/html/skeleton/public/index.php on line 7

that's bit wearied please suggest way out thanks.

the problem

the documentation assumes you’re using apache:

optionally, when using apache, can use application_env setting in virtualhost let php output errors browser. can useful during development of application.

source: the manual.

first solution: define application_env

as discussed in another question, should able run development server defined application_env using following command:

application_env=development php -s public public/index 

second solution: use apache

you may setup apache virtualhost said in the manual. put following in virtualhost config:

<virtualhost *:80>     servername zf2-tutorial.localhost     documentroot /path/to/zf2-tutorial/public     setenv application_env "development"     <directory /path/to/zf2-tutorial/public>         directoryindex index.php         allowoverride         require granted     </directory> </virtualhost> 

and update hosts: zf2-tutorial.localhost localhost 

refer the manual in case of problems.

third solution: use zf-development-mode

i won’t guide through installation of this package (here instructions), i’ll present 2 solutions checking (in code) whether development mode enabled.

first method: check if config/development.config.php exists

after enabling development mode, contents of config/development.config.php.dist should copied config/development.config.php. in code, use following check if you’re in development mode:

if (file_exists('config/development.config.php')) {     // in default skeleton application. may have play     // __dir__ if you’ve modified public/index.php } 

second method: inject application config

let’s assume want check if development mode enabled in controller/service or other thing can created factory implementing zend-servicemanager’s factoryinterface. below present example application config, factory , service:


<?php  return [     'development' => true ]; 


public function __invoke(containerinterface $container, $requestedname, array $options = null) {     return new exampleservice($container->get('config')); } 


<?php  // imports, namespace…  class exampleservice {     protected $dev;      public function __construct(array $config)     {         $this->dev = isset($config['development']) && $config['development'] === true;     }      public function dosomething()     {         if ($this->dev) {             // …         }     } } 


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