c# - Unable to replace bools with ints -

i have sql strings such following, several trues , falses:

insert systemrules (col1, col2, col3, col4, col5)  values (false,false,true,false,false) 

i want replace false 0 , true 1. when try this:

sql = sql.replace(",true,", ",1,").replace(",true)", ",1)").replace(",false,", ",0,").replace(",false)", ",0)"); 

...it removes some of falses...not of them. example, end this:

insert systemrules (col1, col2, col3, col4, col5)  values (0,false,1,0,false) 

what expected this:

insert systemrules (col1, col2, col3, col4, col5)  values (0,0,1,0,0) 

so try regex instead (showing 1 piece below):

sql = regex.replace(sql, ",true)", ",1)"); 

that particular line blows error: parsing ",true)" - many )'s.

what efficient way replace trues , falses in sql statement 1s , 0s? have found string.replace() in c# replace globally, i'm baffled why it's missing some. there no spaces in there, have triple-checked. 1 proof of if run series of replaces above 2nd time, does replace stragglers. why not first time? c# replace not global? thank you.

you error regex.replace because ) metacharacter needs escaped. placing backspace (two backspaces regular c# string) address problem:

sql = regex.replace(sql, ",true\\)", ",1\\)"); 

you can simplify comma/parentheses handling \\b anchor:

sql = regex.replace(sql, "\\btrue\\b", "1"); 

however, manipulating sql string dangerous idea (why?). should refactor code use parameterized sql instead (how?).


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