python 3.5 update causing TypeError with writing to csv with s3io -

i think there's issue using s3io (v0.1.1) , python3.5

typeerror: bytes-like object required, not 'str'

is raised when try following:

with, mode='w', **s3_creds) occupancy:     writer = csv.writer(occupancy, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.quote_none)     raw_titles = ["p_id", "isodayofweek", "localtimeofdaystart",                   "localtimeofdayend", "predictedoccupancy"]     writer.writerow(raw_titles) 

things i've tried:

  • adding b in front of each string.
  • turning array bytearray utf-8 encoding
  • changing mode 'wt', 'wb', or 'w'

this tells me problem in 1 of 2 places:

  1. writerow believe changing byte object create changes str
  2. something s3io not work python 3.5's csv writer

any appreciated!

as requested:

--> 595         writer.writerow(raw_titles)     596         lot_id, lot_occs in list(corrected_occ.items()):     597             if not lot_cache.get(lot_id):  /usr/lib/python3.5/ in func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs)     620             @_functools.wraps(func)     621             def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): --> 622                 return func(*args, **kwargs)     623             # avoid closing file long wrapper alive,     624             # see issue #18879.  typeerror: bytes-like object required, not 'str' 


this either fix or work around s3io module, works - build file without csv module.

with, mode='w', **s3_creds) occupancy:     # first line - p_id,isodayofweek,localtimeofdaystart,localtimeofdayend,predictedoccupancy     raw_titles = ["p_id", "isodayofweek", "localtimeofdaystart",                   "localtimeofdayend", "predictedoccupancy"]     occupancy.file.write(",".join(raw_titles).encode("utf-8")) 

it seems csv.writer.writerow converts whatever given str, , s3io demands bytes-like object. csv made works other.


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