javafx - switch scene when clicking on a treeitem -

how switch or load new scene clicking on item of treeview.

here controller

public void initialize(url location, resourcebundle resources)     {         loaditems();     }        @suppresswarnings("unchecked")     public void loaditems()     {           treeitem<string>root=new treeitem<>("root");            treeitem<string> clients=new treeitem<>("clients");           treeitem<string> addclient=new treeitem<>("add client");           treeitem<string> seeclient=new treeitem<>("see clients");            treeitem<string> articles=new treeitem<>("articles");           treeitem<string> devis=new treeitem<>("devis");           root.getchildren().addall(clients,articles,devis);           clients.getchildren().addall(addclient,seeclient);           root.setexpanded(true);           treeview.setroot(root);           treeview.setshowroot(false);     } 

the controller called

@override     public void start(stage primarystage) {         this.primarystage=primarystage;          mainmenuview();          }         public void mainmenuview()         {             try             {                 fxmlloader loader=new fxmlloader();                 loader.setlocation(mainapp.class.getresource("view/menuview.fxml"));                 anchorpane menuview=(anchorpane)loader.load();                 rootview.setcenter(menuview);                 menuviewcontroller controller = loader.getcontroller();                 controller.setmainapp(this);                 treeloadingeventhandler tree=new treeloadingeventhandler(controller);                 tree.handle(null);              }             catch(exception e)             {                 e.printstacktrace();             }         }           private class treeloadingeventhandler implements eventhandler<actionevent> {                 private menuviewcontroller controller;                  treeloadingeventhandler(menuviewcontroller controller) {                   this.controller = controller;                 }                     @override                 public void handle(actionevent t) {                   controller.loaditems();                 }               } 

i want load fxml when clicking on item. example, if click on item "add client", fxml called "addclient.fxml" has loaded thank help.


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