ios - My layout constraints are being overridden -

i'm trying display table view overlaid on top of view show list of auto-complete options, i'm having trouble getting table view sized correctly.

i have simple uitableview defined in xib file. load it, embed in existing on-screen view, , programmatically set layout constraints leading, trailing, top, , height anchors in view controller method (code in c#):

public void embedin(uiview outerview) {     outerview.addsubview(view);      var constraints = new[]     {         view.leadinganchor.constraintequalto(outerview.leadinganchor, 8),         view.trailinganchor.constraintequalto(outerview.trailinganchor, 8),         view.topanchor.constraintequalto(outerview.topanchor, 15),         view.heightanchor.constraintequalto(outerview.heightanchor, 0.4f, 0),     };      nslayoutconstraint.activateconstraints(constraints); } 

the result table view small - has same dimensions had in xib (except, weirdly, row dividers continue past bottom down bottom should be).

when examine view hierarchy in xcode, table view's constraints looks this:

xcode constraints

the 4 constraints active ones did not add, either @ runtime or in xib. width , height in match size of table view in xib. leading, trailing, top, , height constraints there, , among other disabled constraints set matching xib dimensions, except time midx , midy instead of minx , miny.

i tried removing of table view's constraints in viewdidload (before adding own), ones i'm trying rid of don't seem exist @ point.

so constraints coming from, , how rid of them?

tableview.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = false


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