Need w3-include-html partial include -

i´m using w3 script:

<!doctype html> <html> <script src=""></script>  <body>  <div w3-include-html="content.html"></div>   <script> w3.includehtml(); </script>  </body> </html> 

it works perfectly, issue need 1 particular portion of "content.html", , not of it. question is: how use w3-include-html partially html include?


you can't include part of partial; whole point of 'partial' in represents part of code, not code should extract part from.

you can include more 1 partial on page, partials must you're trying include @ point; can't 'extract' content partial.

simply shrink content.html contains output include on main page.

having said that, considering w3.js can import html, there's literally no reason store partial html in external file. not create second, unecessary file, adds reliance on javascript. if visitor opts disable javascript, partial won't work. thus, recommend writing content of content.html in main page itself.

hope helps!


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