python - How can I run my fan if temp/humid > 26c, 60%? -

raspberry pi, a2302 sensor, 5v fan

qn how can request fan connected gpio 18 activates , stays active, until temperature sensor @ pin 5 reads either temperature of less 26 celcius, or humidity of less 60%?

#!/usr/bin/python import time import adafruit_dht import rpi.gpio gpio  sensor = adafruit_dht.am2302 pin = 5 humidity, temperature = adafruit_dht.read_retry(sensor, pin)  if humidity not none , temperature not none:    print('temp={0:0.1f}*c  humidity={1:0.1f}%'.format(temperature, humidity)) else:    print('failed reading. try again!')  gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) gpio.setup(18,gpio.out) gpio.output(18, 1) time.sleep(5) gpio.output(18, 0) gpio.cleanup() 

i can't provide actual code, seems want know logic use?

do following once every minute (or often): if temp< 26 turn off fan elseif hum < 60 turn off fan else keep fan on


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