spring - MissingServletRequestParameterException -

i'm passing formdata object spring back-end:

imagebanner(banner: file, bannerpath: string, id: number, callback: (response) => void){     var formdata = new formdata();     formdata.append('name', banner.name);     console.log(formdata.get('name'));     formdata.append('file', banner);     console.log(formdata.get('file'));      this.sendpost("/upload/" + bannerpath, formdata, response => {         callback(response);     });  } 

the console log shows:

1.jpg  file {name: "1.jpg", lastmodified: 1496737372408, lastmodifieddate: tue jun 06 2017 10:22:52 gmt+0200 (w. europe daylight time), webkitrelativepath: "", size: 38983…} 

so looks formdata has values.

in back-end have this:

@requestmapping(value="/rest/upload/localeventbanner", method=requestmethod.post, headers = "content-type!=multipart/form-data")     public @responsebody string uploadfilehandler(@requestparam("name") string name, @requestparam("file") multipartfile file) {      if (!file.isempty()) {         try {             log("success");              return "you uploaded file=" + name;         } catch (exception e) {             log("fail");             return "you failed upload";         }     } else {         log("nope");         return "you failed upload " + name                 + " because file empty.";     } } 

the return i'm getting in console is:

"{"timestamp":1502745177167,"status":400,"error":"bad request","exception":"org.springframework.web.bind.missingservletrequestparameterexception","message":"required string parameter 'name' not present","path":"/beheerback/rest/upload/localeventbanner"}"

it says name isn't present when log in front-end shows name present in formdata object.

try give required = false name , file, like:

@requestparam(value = "name", required = false, defaultvalue = "defaultname") string name, @requestparam(value = "file" , required = false, defaultvalue = "defaultfile") multipartfile file 

then check values you're getting. also, check form sent using network inspector in dev mode of browser.


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