java - ListSelectionModel and listener -

i've jtable listselectionmodel , listselectionlistener.

the selection model set in jtables constructor: lsm.getselectionmodel()

and listselectionlistener set via public method:

    public void setlistselectionlistener(listselectionlistener l){         lsm.addlistselectionlistener(l);     } 

called controller class:

    view.settableselectionlistener(new listselectionlistener(){         @override         public void valuechanged(listselectionevent e){             if (!e.getvalueisadjusting()) {                 int viewrow = e.getfirstindex();                 system.out.println(viewrow + " selected");                               }         }     }); 

because listener created in class can't use jtable's getselectedrow(); method, using listselectionevent object's getfirstindex(); doesn't current selection.

so i'm using int viewrow = ((listselectionmodel)e.getsource()).getleadselectionindex());

does seem correct way current selection? seems working, i'm not sure if bad way of doing it. thanks

only getminselectionindex() , getmaxselectionindex() works, returns min , max of selected indices respectively. lead/anchor selected index may >= 0 when there no selected row.


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