visual studio 2015 - Confuser.Console.exe obfuscation error -

i have post build event have used automate obfuscation of class library.

this works fine in visual studio 2010, after upgrading project visual studio 2015 has seemed stop working.

this post build event:

c:\anand\confuser\confuser.console.exe "$(projectdir)obfuscate\obfuscateemailmerge.xml" copy /y "$(targetdir)confused\$(projectname).dll" "$(targetdir)$(projectname).dll" rmdir /s /q "$(targetdir)confused" copy /y "$(targetdir)$(projectname).dll" "$(projectdir)\obj\debug\$(projectname).dll" copy /y "$(targetdir)$(projectname).dll" "$(projectdir)\obj\release\$(projectname).dll" "c:\signtool.lnk" sign /t /a "$(projectdir)obj\$(configurationname)\$(targetfilename)" 

the obfuscation successful in debug build, fails in release build.

this output vs2015:

enter image description here

please note not using confuserex, using older version called confuser.

any clue?


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