Responsive Wordpress Navigation Bar - Additional CSS -

hi i'm stuck customize additional css in wordpress.i use theme called poza child , it's maximum width (100%) picture below. wanted make responsive navigation bar fill screen.

as can see here, there's gap (black , grey). wanted make responsive navigation bar (all black).

as can see here, there's gap (black , grey). wanted make responsive navigation bar (all black) 1 below.

enter image description here

however because of theme used, have add additional css make full-width , responsive screen size. code snippet of wordpress additional css.

#primary #content {     margin-top: 50px; } #header .nav-main {     background-color: #000000; }  #header .nav-main .container {     width: 100%; }  .heading {  border-top: 2px solid #000000;     border-bottom: 2px solid #000000; padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; } 

i've tried change negative value, in pixels (eg. -380px) it's not responsive tablets , mobile. how can overcome this? thank in advance.

thank everyone. have found solution. guys stated, it's container had been problem.

it should this:

 #header .container {     width: 100%;} 

i deleted nav-main. all!


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