angular - Angular2 app deployed in Liferay stuck at "Loading..." with Internet Explorer 11 -

i trying deploy angular io app liferay platform variable success. mozilla firefox , google chrome render liferay portlet without troubles, internet explorer 11 fails @ it. make matters more bizarre, app works fine ie11 on localhost meaning polyfills.ts working expected.

edit: studying debugger bit more on ie11 found out none of js bundles generated angular loaded. on main.bundle.js, vendor.bundle.js, polyfills.bundle.js, styles.bundle.js , inline.bundle.js results in 404 not found.

edit2: 404 happens because exploder's request url blatantly wrong. correct syntax url http://host/portlet/app/*.bundle.js, in internet explorer 11 request url http://host/web/guest/page/portlet/app/*.bundle.js.

i found out url scripts malformed in internet explorer (edits of original question. @olafkock hinted inspect how url formed found out index.jsp file that's in charge of downloading *bundle.js files, lacking single / character.

i proceeded apply following fix:
<script type="text/javascript" src="portlet/*.bundle.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/portlet/*.bundle.js"></script>

now works on internet explorer 11.


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