osx - Get the path of a closed folder with Applescript -

i'm looking solution applescript path of folder closed user. aim call scripts path in argument.

i tried to this, seem not work (my folder actions correctly set):

on closing folder window theattachedfolder tell application "finder"      set thepath posix path of theattachedfolder     display dialog thepath      end tell end on closing folder window 

you need change end on closing folder window for end closing folder window for, because block starts word on , ends word end. in both cases, next must write name of action, in case: closing folder window. additionaly, can move display dialog out of tell block, because it's not necessary target finder application. display dialog part of standard additions.


on closing folder window theattachedfolder     tell application "finder"          set thepath posix path of theattachedfolder      end tell     display dialog thepath end closing folder window 


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