wpf - Caliburn.Micro - why uses UserControl instead of Window -

my question in title. i'm starting caliburn.micro mvvm approach (which new me) , in every tutorial first step remove default mainwindow.xaml file , create new usercontrol file. why that? usercontrol not accept title. isn't possible build application using normal windows? tried that, every launch error "cannot find view viewmodel", although both mainview.xaml , mainviewmodel.cs present. when created pair of usercontrol , viewmodel it, started work expected. again, why windows don't work? wouldn't problem, i'm thinking additions modern ui themes wpf might not work without window. i'm not sure of that.

probably 1 solution display defined usercontrol view inside of window, it's workaround.

you create own custom shell window creating custom windowmanager:

public class customwindowmanager : windowmanager {     protected override window createwindow(object rootmodel, bool isdialog, object context, idictionary<string, object> settings)     {         window window = new window();         window.title = "custom...";         return window;     } } 

...that register in bootstrapper:

public class hellobootstrapper : bootstrapperbase {     ...      protected override void configure()     {         _container.singleton<iwindowmanager, customwindowmanager>();         ...     } } 


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