javascript - Get text of span without ID -

i'm trying piece of text span line has not id. using xcode , swift 3.

here's line:

<span class="name">peter red</span> 

i tried not work:

var name = webview.evaluatejavascript("document.queryselector('.name').innerhtml")         print("name \(name)") 

i tried using .innertext, .textcontent , outertext console prints name ()

the evaluatejavascript(_:completionhandler:) instance method expects 2 parameters.

func evaluatejavascript(_ javascriptstring: string,        completionhandler: ((any?, error?) -> void)? = nil) 

you missing completionhandler, run once script evaluation completes or fails.

try following:

 webview.evaluatejavascript("document.queryselector('.name').innerhtml") { (name, error) in         if error == nil {            print("name \(name)")         }     } 


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